
Friday, 12 August 2011

Is Online Forex Currency Trading for Me?

How do you know if online forex currency trading is for you? What are the characteristics that make one fit for successful forex trading online?

Forex trading online has become enormously popular – and for many reasons. The ease of use, ability to make fast profits, and readily available resources combined have made forex trading online one of the most common means of financial trading on the internet, second only to online stock trading.

But, not everyone is cut out to participate in online forex currency trading. Some people probably would not prefer to trade in this area, and may prefer other financial instruments. Others may not have the skills necessary to turn a profit. Regardless, there are ways to tell if online forex currency trading is for you, and if you would be a good at forex trading online.

An Overview of Online Forex Currency Trading

Forex trading online, like many other online financial trading industries, can be stressful, complicated, and risky. You are subject to lose money just like with any other financial enterprise, and there is no guarantee that you will be able to turn a profit. With that being said, forex trading online is actually one of the easier trading methods out there.

The asset you are trading – a currency against another currency – is subject to global news events that can be pretty easily followed. Plus, you do not have to evaluate the fluctuation of your currency versus thousands of others, or against a sector as a whole – like with stock trading. Instead, online forex currency trading involves one currency against the other.

If this interests you, the following traits will help you.

Forex Trading Online: Knowledge and Learning

One trait that is helpful with online forex currency trading is the ability to quickly learn about forex trading online, including how to place trades, how to work a platform, how to use economic indicators, and how to trade strategically. This is mostly a function of how well you pick up on concepts and build upon your knowledge.

Forex Trading Online: Grasp of Macro-economic Fundamentals

A good grasp of macro-economic fundamentals is also important for online forex currency trading because you will need this knowledge to understand global financial events and how they impact your currencies. What does a stock market movement in a country mean for that country’s currency? What trade reports can you read to get an edge on what the euro will do? Fortunately, if you can learn the basics and follow an economic calendar, you will be fine.

Forex Trading Online: Fast-Paced Decision-Making Skills

Finally, any successful entrepreneur in online forex currency trading needs to have fast-paced decision-making skills. Forex prices move quickly, at fractions of a dollar, and the faster you can react, the more you will be able to bank a profit instead of lose money. If you thrive on fast-paced situations, and are not prone to indecisiveness, then you could possibly become quite good at forex trading online.

These are the main traits when it comes to deciding if online forex currency trading is for you. The best way to know for sure, though, is to sign up for a forex trading online demo account and play around with fake money. Visit :

Saturday, 6 August 2011

How to Learn Forex Trading Strategies

If you want to get serious about forex trading and learn forex trading online, learning forex trading strategies is a must. After all, going into trading without a plan – without solid forex trading strategies – is asking for a loss, simply because discipline and a methodical approach is needed to succeed.

Forex trading strategies abound; there is probably a strategy for every conceivable situation. They do vary, though, and many depend on individual trading style. So, when you learn forex trading online, keep in mind that no strategy is ever an absolute. With that being said, we will cover how to learn forex trading strategies and learn forex trading online in general so you can sharpen your edge and profit.

Learn Forex Trading Online Through Your Broker

The first step to take when you want to learn forex trading online is to go to your broker and browse through their education/resource center. Most brokers have some kind of guidance online, and if yours doesn’t, you can find one that does. Brokers want you to succeed at trading because they make more money the more you trade – and you’ll only trade more if you profit through forex trading strategies.

Many brokers have become quite good at instructing their traders how to execute trades skillfully. Use them as your first resource when you learn forex trading online.

Pick Up Forex Trading Strategies from the Pros

Another way to learn forex trading online is to talk to the pros – the traders who have the experience and results to back up years of trading. The best place to find these traders? Online, through forex trader message boards and forums. These are filled to the brim with forex trading strategies from virtually every angle – what to do when this happens with this currency pair; when to enter the market with that currency; what to do after economic reports are released, etc.

These forex trading strategies may not work – after all, they are dependent on personality and trading style – but you can definitely find some valuable advice if you talk to the right people. In time, you will come up with forex trading strategies on your own through experience and practice. Learn forex trading online by having regular conversations with those who have been successful in the business and you’ll benefit your trading career.

Learn Forex Trading Online With Forex Trading Strategies Websites

There are entire websites devoted to nothing but information, guidance, and tips on making money by trading currencies. Some of them are free; others are available by subscription. Either way, you can gain access to even more forex trading strategies and even more ways to learn forex trading online if you make the most out of the resources you have – which includes these instructional online destinations.

Of course, another way to find forex trading strategies is to create them yourself. You can do this safely by opening a free demo account with an online broker. By practicing with fake money, you can learn forex trading online and even create your own forex trading strategies that are specific to your trading style and situation.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Foreign Currency Exchange Trading: How Does It Work?

Foreign currency exchange trading is one of the hottest trends in the financial world over the past few years. What E*Trade did for online stock trading, other brokers have done for trading currencies through online brokerages. In fact, with the exception of stock trading, foreign currency exchange trading is the most popular trading field in the world.

Here, we will cover foreign currency exchange trading and explain how it works – from joining a brokerage to opening a trade and executing it and (hopefully) banking a profit. We will also explain various concepts behind foreign currency exchange trading, such as online foreign exchange rates, spreads, and others.

Foreign Currency Exchange Trading: The Role of the Broker

The foreign currency exchange trading market is just like any other financial market. It consists of buyers, sellers, and intermediaries called brokers. A broker is basically an access route to the market, either through the broker directly (if they are a market maker) or via the broker to another, larger market.

The broker, basically, routes your orders to other traders through a variety of methods and helps you conduct your transactions. It is like a real estate agent who deals with other agents and other buyers/sellers when buying a home. The prices are based off of online foreign exchange rates, as described below.

Foreign Currency Exchange Trading: The Principles Behind Trading

In foreign currency exchange trading, you are buying and selling currencies against each other. This is accomplished via currency pairs. One popular pair is EUR/USD. The online foreign exchange rate that comes with this pair tells you the value of euros versus dollars, or, how many dollars you can purchase with one euro.

If the online foreign exchange rate is, say, 1.5, you can buy 1.5 dollars with one euro. When you buy euros at this rate with dollars, you are essentially buying a euro with a “value” of 1.5.

Let’s say that the online foreign exchange rate goes up to 1.6 (which is a huge leap in real life). You will essentially make a profit of 0.1 dollars per euro that you bought. So, if you bought 1,000 euros, then the “value” increases by 0.1 – giving you a profit of 100 units.

Foreign Currency Exchange Trading: Spreads

Many brokers make money through the use of spreads. Every time you place a trade, there is a spread that goes with your online foreign exchange rate. This spread is usually addressed in terms of ‘pips’, which are units worth 1/100th of one percent (or 0.0001). A spread is the difference in your online foreign exchange rate between the bid and the ask price. To keep it simple, the lower the spread the better it is for you, since you can make more money.

Foreign Currency Exchange Trading: Things to Consider

While trading, keep in mind that increments in value are very small. A currency pair could fluctuate only by a few pips during the day. The way people make profit is by using leverage (buying a lot of currency with only a small amount of actual money in your account) to purchase large lots of currencies and taking advantage of fluctuations, sometimes making a dozen or so trades during a day.

The above are basics for foreign currency exchange trading. Pay attention to online foreign exchange rates, spreads from brokers, and financial news from across the globe and learn as much as you can about the business before you begin your trading career.Visit :

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Are Forex Trading Brokers Reliable?

Should you trust forex trading brokers? That is a very good question – one that many traders have today. In fact, forex traders spent a lot of time trying to find the best forex trading broker on the market in terms of reliability, simply because money is at stake and there are a lot of suspicious forex trading brokers on the market.

Fortunately, it is possible to find at least one of the best forex trading brokers on the market. The best forex trading broker is subjective and varies from person to person, but on a whole, there are forex trading brokers who have built up reputations for reliability and trustworthiness.

We will talk about what makes a forex trading broker one of the best forex trading brokers around in terms of consumer trust, and then discuss a few of the best forex trading brokers around in terms of reliability and security.

Finding Reliability in Forex Trading Brokers Today: Common Issues

There are several factors to consider when finding forex trading brokers. After all, it is easy these days to defraud investors, because of how vulnerable the internet can be. The lure of easy money has led to some forex trading brokers engaging in deceptive practices – like hiding their true spreads, changing spreads, and other behind-the-back actions to steal your money.

Plus there’s always the thought of forex trading brokers secretly selling information to other third parties and violating your trust.

Needless to say, these forex trading brokers should be avoided at all costs. The best forex trading brokers are regulated by national regulatory agencies that oversee financial trading in a country. This regulation requires certain disclosures and audits, and makes it less likely that fraud will be perpetrated.

The best forex trading brokers also operate on fixed spreads, and generally make these spreads known. That way, you do not have to wonder as to how the broker makes its money.

Below are a few of our choices for best forex trading brokers in terms of reliability and trust.

Best Forex Trading Brokers: FXOpen

FXOpen has developed a reputation for being one of the more reliable forex trading brokers online today. They offer transparent trading as an ECN broker, which also gives you client anonymity. They also charge commission, so there is no manipulation of spreads.

Furthermore, many best forex trading brokers reviews state that FXOpen has secure data transmission with few issues of violating customer trust.

Best Forex Trading Brokers: HotForex

This forex trading broker has become popular lately and has developed a reputation for trustworthy trading. It does use spreads but advertises the spreads and does not appear to use secret spreads or spread manipulation. It is also regulated and has customer service that is praised throughout best forex trading brokers reviews online. Payments are also fast and reliable, another common concern among forex traders.

Best Forex Trading Brokers: FXCM

FXCM is a popular forex trading broker, and has a reputation for powerful trading systems and platforms. It is also, though, pretty reliable and is used by a lot of people who trust it to be an honest broker with their money. It is also regulated by the National Futures Association, which is an industry regulatory body that oversees several forex trading brokers. This is one of the reasons why some view FXCM as among the best forex trading brokers in the business.

Friday, 15 July 2011

A Beginner’s Guide to Forex: Learn Currency Trading Online

Online currency trading is a growing trend in the financial world, and for good reason. It is easy to do and easy to learn, and just about anyone can learn currency trading online. If you are one of the ones who wants to take a crack at it and learn forex currency trading online, then this guide is for you.

Here we will cover the basics of forex and help you learn currency trading online from the comfort of your own home or office.

Learn Currency Trading Online: An Overview

The first thing to cover when you learn forex currency trading online is the basics behind the industry. Like buying and selling stocks, buying and selling currencies is all about getting a currency when it is relatively low in value against another currency and selling it when it appreciates in value.

The units at play here are currencies, and they are traded against each other directly. For example, you will buy or sell, say, U.S. dollars based on the value of the dollar against euros, British pounds, Japanese yen, etc. You do not buy and sell dollars versus every single currency at once, which means you could still profit with one currency even if the dollar does poorly against every other currency out there.

Learn Currency Trading Online: The Exchange Rate

The second concept to master when you learn forex currency trading online is the exchange rate. Think of the exchange rate as a price. If you are trading EUR/USD at an exchange rate of 1.4500, then each euro is worth 1.4500 dollars.

As that exchange rate fluctuates, you have opportunities to make a profit. The ‘buy low, sell high’ principle is valid here. The rate could move up, say, 2 pips, which is 1.4502 (a pip is the number in the fourth decimal spot). You gain a profit of 0.0002 per unit of currency.

Learning how to read exchange rates is a huge concept to master as you learn forex currency trading online.

Learn Currency Trading Online: Financial News

You can’t learn forex currency trading online without learning how to digest relevant information for clues about what trade to make and when to make it. Just as stocks are subject to financial news, so are currencies. In this case, one step to take when you learn currency trading online is to learn how to read an economic calendar.

These help you see what scheduled reports will be released by respective countries. These reports could be anything from unemployment rates to trade balance reports, government decisions, and consumer confidence surveys. Learn which events result in ups or downs in a specific currency so you can start to plan your moves in advance.

Learn Currency Trading Online: The Spread

Finally, a key concept to grasp when you learn forex currency trading online is the spread. The spread is the difference between the bid and ask price (what you sell a currency for and what it costs you to buy a unit , respectively). The spread is how many brokers make money, and the higher the spread, the more difficult it is for you to cover and turn a profit.

When you learn forex currency trading online and pick a broker, try to find one that has low spreads if possible. Or, if you prefer, you can use a broker that charges commissions instead.

There are other concepts to pick up when you learn currency trading online. These are the basics that can help you get started, and can give you a good foundation to learn forex currency trading online in greater detail throughout your trading career.

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Where to Turn for Forex Trading Tips and Advice

Are you new to online forex investment trading? Do you want forex trading tips that can help you profit from any market and deliver powerful upside potential to your balance sheet? If so, you are in need of help from online forex investment trading professionals who know the business and can help you navigate through a sometimes-tricky industry.

We will help you find forex trading tips and other guidance on online forex investment so you can learn more about trading online, navigating financial calendars, reading economic indicators, and making the best possible trade.

Forex Trading Tips: Investopedia

At first glance, it may seem as if Investopedia is an odd choice for forex trading tips. It is, after all, a definitive source for factual information regarding online forex investment, complete with definitions, guides, and other explanations much like other online encyclopedias. But, Investopedia actually offers plenty of forex trading tips to help you get started with learning the ins and outs of online forex investment, especially how to grasp macroeconomics.

Bookmarking this website is a must for anyone who wants to get into online forex investment and do well.
Forex Trading Tips: Trader Message Boards and Forums

Internet forms are great places for forex trading tips, because they are full of online forex investment pros and amateurs who have experience in the field and can give you advice on what works and what doesn’t. Most communities are very friendly and open to beginners, and are treasure troves of useful forex trading tips for any trading style. It definitely doesn’t hurt to sign up for one and get involved with posting and discussing various online forex investment topics.

Forex Trading Tips: YouTube

Believe it or not, YouTube is a pretty good source for online forex investment advice. The website itself doesn’t offer it, of course, but many online forex investment professionals submit videos detailing forex trading tips for people like you. The videos are exceptionally helpful for learning how to use charts, graphs, and other visual economic indicators that are hard to explain via written text.

Forex Trading Tips: Online Forex Investment Brokers

The online forex investment broker you choose is also a good source for forex trading tips. Most – if not all – of them have education centers dedicated to providing you with the information you need to grasp the fundamentals behind an online forex investment. They have a vested interest in giving you the best forex trading tips they can find, because the better at online forex investment you become, the more you will invest – and the more money they will make! For this reason, the education provided by these online forex investment brokers is up there with some of the best forex trading tips around.

Lastly, you can find solid forex trading tips and online forex investment advice simply by searching for it. Of course, take anything you find in searches with a grain of salt; it helps to cross-reference between various websites to find common forex trading tips that work. Do this, and you will learn online forex investment in no time.

Friday, 1 July 2011

What to Look For in Forex Broker Reviews

Finding the right forex broker can be difficult. Fortunately, forex broker reviews exist to make the job a lot easier by giving you plenty of information you can use to contrast and compare your options. The best forex broker reviews contain certain bits of information that can be used to separate the solid possibilities from brokers you do not need.

Here, we will help you by explaining certain key pieces of information you need in your forex broker reviews – items that, if present, can let you know you have some of the best forex broker reviews before you to make an informed decision.

The Best Forex Broker Reviews: Types of Brokers

One thing to look for in forex broker reviews is to find out what kind of broker the website in question is, mainly so you know how they operate. Some brokers are no dealing desk (NDD) brokers, which means they make their money off of commissions, not spreads. An STP broker displays its own quotes and often routes your trades to a market, instead of making the market themselves.  The third type is an ECN broker, which allows you to see depth levels and routes you directly to the market. These typically have capital requirements.

The Best Forex Broker Reviews: Customer Service

Another key concept in forex broker reviews is customer service – especially if you are a beginner. Customer service is there to help you trade with full functionality, and if you are new to trading, that is incredibly important. Look to see if they have live chats and available contact numbers.

The Best Forex Broker Reviews: Payment Methods

Most forex broker reviews will also cover payment methods, which is particularly important if the broker is in another country. Brokers do not always accept certain payment methods, so if you are limited in how you can fund your account and need a broker to accommodate you, forex broker reviews can help.

The Best Forex Broker Reviews: Demo Accounts

Demo accounts are extremely helpful for beginners to learn the platform and get a hang of trading in general. Forex broker reviews will tell you whether or not a demo account exists for a particular broker and what is required in order to use it.

The Best Forex Broker Reviews: Regulation

Regulation is another helpful thing to have in forex broker reviews. Why? Simply put, you do not want to do business with an unregulated broker. It is your money at risk, after all, and any broker that isn’t regulated is a potential scam waiting to happen.

The Best Forex Broker Reviews: Currency Pairs

Finally, one of the most important things to look for in forex broker reviews is the asset availability list. In other words, what currency pairs does this broker trade? If you like the major pairs, like EUR/USD, USD/JPY, etc., you are probably good to go wherever you choose. Other minor pairs, though, may be available only at certain sites.

No matter where you choose to go ultimately, use forex broker reviews to lead the way. The best forex broker reviews will give you a good bearing on what is out there and where the perfect fit may be for your trading style.

Saturday, 25 June 2011

What Brokers are the Top Forex Brokers Online Today?

There are plenty of forex brokers online today in the market, giving you a plethora of possible brokers you can choose from in order to find the top forex brokers for your trading career. Finding ways to compare forex brokers and narrow down the considerable list to something more manageable – your true top forex brokers – takes a bit more work.

To help you compare forex brokers and find the right one for you, we will look at five top forex brokers listed below and give you an insight as to what makes them unique – in an effort to help you better compare forex brokers yourself using information you can obtain easily from the internet.

Top Forex Brokers: FXCM
If you want to compare forex brokers to find a trusted, reliable broker, then FXCM may be the broker for you. This broker is one of the largest brokers online today and has developed a reputation for trustworthy and reliable trading. Their trading platform is very stable, and their processes and customer service are well above average. For this reason, FXCM is one of the top forex brokers online.

Top Forex Brokers:
Long one of the top forex brokers in business today, has one of the most powerful and capable platforms around – the FOREXTrader Pro platform. You also have access to MetaTrader 4 and eSignals, which are two top-tier online forex charting tools. The mobile trading applications also help make this one of the top forex brokers around in terms of sheer capability.

Top Forex Brokers:
One factor used to compare forex brokers is the amount of information that you receive in order to trade. has a wealth of resources for you to use when it comes to gleaning valuable nuggets of info and data from a variety of news sources. offers daily briefings, technical analysis, live market updates, and a variety of trading signals – as well as a pretty handy economic calendar – for your forex trading needs. With, we trust you’ll have the knowledge you need.

Top Forex Brokers: CMSFX
Another factor used to compare forex brokers is to look at the spreads that are a part of what the broker offers. A spread is the difference between the Bid (the price you sell a currency) and the Ask (the price you purchase a currency). Brokers use spreads to make money, and the lowest spreads can save you cash. CSMFX has some of the lowest spreads around, some as low as 0.9 pips on currencies like EUR/USD and USD/JPY. That is pretty remarkable, and something that could help you better compare forex brokers.

Top Forex Brokers: Easy-Forex
Another one of the top forex brokers today is Easy-Forex. One factor we use to compare forex brokers is ease of use. This factor is more important for beginners who want to learn the trade, but even some advanced traders will benefit from it. Easy-Forex is one of the easiest top forex brokers to use, with a very simple and intuitive trading platform that can do what you want efficiently and quickly. 

The top forex brokers listed above are all good choices for different reasons. Use those factors to help you compare forex brokers on this list with others out there to find the best fit for your needs. Other factors that may help you compare forex brokers include commissions, regulation, and asset availability. The above, though, should help you on your way to compare forex brokers for the perfect fit.

For More Informational:

Friday, 17 June 2011

Where to Look for Online Forex News and Forex Daily News

If you are like most forex traders, you are probably addicted to forex daily news. Online forex news provides traders with up-to-date news about economic events, reports, and other financial data that is the lifeblood of any forex trading career.  The forex latest news on the market is particularly of concern since events in the world of currency exchange happen so quickly.
Here we will give you tips on finding online forex news and forex daily news that you can use to place your trades. We will also cover what types of forex latest news you should track on a regular basis so you are fully armed with the tools you need to succeed.
Using Reuters as Online Forex News
Reuters is perhaps the default source of forex daily news and online forex news for most traders out there. They actually provide data streams of exchange rates as well as forex latest news to a wide variety of brokers, so if you use a broker, chances are you use Reuters.  They also feature charts and graphs in addition to forex latest news on major world economic events, so you can do technical analysis while you gain access to your fix of forex daily news.
Forex Brokers and Online Forex News
Brokerages are perhaps the main source of forex latest news for a lot of traders, simply because traders spend a lot of time on the trading platform of their choice. These brokers funnel streams of online forex news into the platform and website in general so you can have the latest brought to your attention. While many brokers do use Reuters, they may also use other sources. In this way, you get online forex news, forex daily news, and forex latest news from different sources at the same time.
Forex News Aggregators
Another prime source of online forex news is the forex daily news aggregator. These websites – like – collect forex information from a variety of sources and present it to you in a simple to use, simple to read format. This may be in addition to other sources, like data feeds from Reuters. These aggregators do a great job of giving you a wide variety of useful forex latest news in a form that is easy to digest – meaning you can get online forex news delivered to you at the click of a mouse without having to travel all over the internet.

Online Forex News from National Agencies

Finally, a prime source of direct forex daily news and forex latest news comes from the horse’s mouth – the currency’s government. Government agencies release detailed economic reports and other announcements on a regular basis, so if there is something you want to see and want to read it right when it is released, the website of the government agency behind the online forex news is your best bet.  Getting your forex latest news this way is particularly useful if you like following forex daily news as it happens without having a delay from other news sources.
Find Online Forex News at The leading site for simplified Forex USD, daily forex news, EURUSD analysis, USD news, forex euro, AUDUSD, CADUSD, realtime forex.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Forex News Trading

One of the most popular ways traders determine entry and exit points in the forex market consists of trading off of major economic news events. The USD forex news generally gives the trader the most possibilities for profitable trades.
As an example, a trader expecting an improved GDP number for the Australian economy, might buy AUD/USD before the release of the economic data. Once the data is released, the exchange rate AUD USD will generally rise sharply if the number comes out better than expected.

The experienced trader will often take profits immediately upon the release of the data, taking profits regardless of their longer term opinion, and reestablish a position once the news is out.

Major News Items Which Influence the Forex Market

Of course, the online forex news is full of trading opportunities. Nevertheless, news trading relies on timely releases and reacting quickly to buying and selling opportunities.

Basically, realtime forex news is more consistent with a news trader’s objectives in initiating and timing entry and exit points when trading. A news trader is generally very selective in the type of economic releases or news items they choose upon which to make transactions.

Some of the more popular economic releases that traders choose for making forex transactions include:

• GDP – the Gross Domestic Product of any nation is of utmost importance to the value of their currency. The GDP represents the sum total of all products and services produced in the country and have a profound effect on the exchange rate of their currency in relation to the currencies of other nation’s currencies. The release of the GDP number of any major nation — especially the United States — presents trading opportunities for many seasoned professionals that keep a keen eye on the USD forex news. 

• Interest Rates – the value of a nation’s currency versus other currencies is strongly influenced by their central bank’s monetary policy. Interest rates exert enormous influence in the value of the currency as higher rates attract foreign investment, while lower rates send investors holding large amounts of money looking for a higher return elsewhere. A Euro currency forecast would not be complete without a careful analysis of the ECB’s monetary policy towards interest rate. 

• Employment Numbers – a nation’s level of employment gives a clear indication on the health of their economy. If a large sector of the population is employed, then the nation’s productivity increases raising the GDP of that nation. Many forex traders use employment numbers to determine whether to hold or short certain currencies. 

• Inflation Numbers – numbers such as the Consumer and Producer Price Indexes give traders an idea of how the central bank of that nation will implement monetary policy. Generally, high inflation is dealt with by central banks by tightening credit, while low inflation is commonly adjusted by a looser interest rate policy.

A seasoned forex trader will take into consideration all of the above fundamental indicators when making a USD Euro forecast for example. By the same token, many day and short term directional traders will take the opportunity of initiating trades based on the realtime forex news releases of these and many other fundamental indicators. 
For More Information Please Visit:

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Forex Market Research Techniques

Forex traders generally use the Online Forex News, as well as the realtime forex news to determine which currency pairs would be the most probable to yield a worthwhile profit before initiating trades in the forex market.  

As an example, some currency pairs may be more challenging to trade than others and may not be as suitable for less experienced traders, such as AUD/USD. The exchange rate AUD USD has recently traded with increased volatility due to rising commodity prices, such as the price of crude oil and gold.

In addition to volatility, other considerations that traders must consider consist of how deep the markets in the currency pair traded, and how wide the bid/offer spreads are. Also, how much the currency pair is subject to sharp exchange rate movements upon the release of key economic data.

A review of the USD forex news can give a trader a sense of what currency pairs may be the best to trade for their level of experience and risk tolerance. For example, EUR/USD generally is one of the most liquid forex currency pairs with long sweeping moves and in many cases very narrow bid/offer spreads.

Fundamental and Technical Market Research

After the trader has determined which currency pairs offer the best opportunities for profitable trades, they can then begin doing research to determine entry and exit points for their trades. Most successful traders employ a combination of both fundamental and technical analysis in their trading strategies.

The way traders sometimes combine these two techniques, is to use technical analysis for timing entry and take profit points by using price graphs and other short term technical indicators. Conversely, by using fundamental analysis, traders can more accurately determine mid term and long term trends for exchange rate movements.

Making a Euro Currency Forecast

As an example, a trader might make a long term USD Euro forecast based on fundamentals such as historical interest rate differentials, European Central Bank monetary policy and current events.

Recently, some European nations such as Greece and Ireland have received bailouts from the ECB and the IMF to shore up their beleaguered economies. These developments have weighed on the EUR/USD exchange rate.

Nevertheless, according to the daily forex news, inflation concerns due to increasing productivity in nations such as Germany and France have prompted the ECB to raise interest rates, which would be beneficial for the value of the Euro against the U.S. Dollar and other currencies.

Using Technical Analysis for Entering and Exiting Trades

Once the trader has decided on a mid to long term direction, they often use technical indicators such as oscillators to determine optimum entry and exit points in the currency pair’s price action.

An oscillator such as the Relative Strength Indicator, will give the trader an idea when the currency pair is either overbought or oversold, giving the trader a good indication of when to initiate or liquidate a trade.

Incorporating both technical and fundamental analysis to a trading plan seems to be the most effective way used by successful traders for their Trading Strategies. A good foundation in both forms of analysis will yield the best results.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

EURUSD: The World’s Most Liquid Currency Pair

Since its beginning, when the Euro was introduced as an accounting currency on January 1st, 1999, the common currency has grown to be the second largest reserve currency on the planet, after the U.S. Dollar.

The online forex news covers the movement of the EURUSD rate on a constant basis because the currency pair makes up the most liquid and heavily traded currency pair in the world.

The Euro has been actively traded since January 1st, 2002 when coins and bills were issued to replace the original 14 currencies which made up the former European Currency Units or ECUs.

Since then, six other currencies have joined the original 14 with the Estonian Kroon the latest currency to be replaced with the Euro.

EURUSD Trading

USD forex news generally contains detailed information about trading the currency pair with many news agencies offering both a Euro currency forecast and a USD Euro forecast.

Spreads in the EURUSD currency pair is generally one pip, and sometimes among dealers and for large transactions can be less than one pip. Nevertheless, depending on economic releases and world events in the realtime forex news, spreads can widen considerably if the volatility of the currency pair increases.

Making a Euro Currency Forecast

Generally, research on the Euro focuses mainly on the exchange rate against the U.S. Dollar, since the forex USD rate is the most actively traded and hence important. Nevertheless, the Euro is also actively traded against the British Pound or GBP, the Japanese Yen or JPY and the Swiss Franc or CHF.

A typical Euro currency forecast will often include the ECB or European Central Bank’s monetary policy and interest rate outlook, historical price action in the EURUSD exchange rate and any pertinent news that might affect the Euro.

USD Euro Forecast

Many websites which offer online forex news, will also contain a USD Euro forecast. This forecast will highlight the U.S. Federal Reserve’s interest rate policy, as well as the ECB’s interest rate policy.

In addition, the USD forex news will also highlight major economic and political events which might possibly influence the value of the Greenback against the Euro, as well as other major currencies like the Australian Dollar or AUD/USD.

The EURUSD currency pair offers both beginning and seasoned traders ample opportunities to make profitable trades. With the depth of the market and the constant coverage of the rate on the online forex news, EURUSD can be the most accessible and viable currency pair, especially for new forex traders.

Trading in EURUSD is perfect for forex day traders, range traders and especially scalpers and short term traders that can take advantage of the narrow bid/offer spreads.

Other currency pairs may also provide traders with opportunities for profitable trades, such as AUD/USD, however the exchange rate AUD USD often has much wider bid/offer spreads and often trades with a considerably more volatility.

While the Euro generally trades in long sweeping moves, recent events have added volatility to the EURUSD exchange rate. Sovereign debt concerns in addition to the bailouts of Greece and Ireland have made trading the EURUSD rate much more interesting and profitable — if the trader is on the right side of the move. Nevertheless, EURUSD continues being the most traded and liquid currency pair in the forex market.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Determining and Trading the Trend in the Forex Market

One of the most important elements for a forex trader to implement involves knowing when to enter the market and initiate trades. Although it may seem just as important to know when to get out of a trade, entering a trade makes up a large component of any forex trader’s success.

Indications for Direction and When to Enter the Market

Many traders rely on the USD forex news for indications on the direction of other currencies versus the dollar. Nevertheless, a Euro currency forecast against other major currencies gives experienced forex traders indications on other important cross rates.

In addition to employing the USD forex news and online forex news, an additional resource used by many traders to determine direction in the forex market is the realtime forex news, which covers forex news as it happens.

Many successful forex traders admit that they rarely get in at the top or bottom of major moves, but, instead get in on the move once the direction has been confirmed. Often, more than one indicator and in many cases a combination of indicators is used to determine the direction of a currency pair such as AUD/USD, for example.

A forex professional will often have the patience to wait and get in on a major move once they are confident that the pre determined conditions they are watching are met. This avoids the trader initiating trades on false signals.

The key is being aware of what signals to watch and then initiating trades promptly once these trading conditions are met. As an example, The Australian Dollar often moves in sympathy with the price of gold.

Once the trader becomes aware of a major move in the price of gold, the exchange rate AUD USD is highly likely to also make a similar move.

Identifying the Trend

A trading maxim often repeated among professional forex traders is “the trend is your friend”. This summarizes how trend traders approach trading and offers insight into what to look for when initiating trading positions.

A tried and true method for determining a forex trend consist of studying historical price charts of the currency pair’s exchange rate over a period of time. Technical data and its analysis has often been the first line of approach for many traders when discerning the market’s overall trend.

Trends also occur during different time frames: long term, medium term and short term.

Trading with the Trend

After an accurate determination of the direction of the trend, a professional trader can use the online forex news to get in on a trade using an item in the news for an optimum entry point. Using stops at key points which indicate a price reversal in the price chart will protect the trader’s profits

Once the trader has discerned the major trend, they can trade the trend in the medium and short term depending on what type of strategy they intend to implement. Many traders keep a watchful eye on the realtime forex news to catch key trend reversal points made after the release of major economic data.
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Saturday, 14 May 2011

Bullish and Bearish Indicators for Trading Forex

 Fundamental and Technical Indicators

Generally, seasoned traders cannot rely solely on the fundamental online forex news to determine entry and exit points for forex trading positions, but use a combination of technical indicators for optimum buying and selling opportunities in trading.

In many cases, more than one indicator is used, — whether fundamental or technical — with another indicator or group of indicators confirming each other to ensure the likelihood of a profitable trade.

Bullish Indicators

As an example, a Euro currency forecast or a USD Euro forecast might include the following technical indicators to provide the trader with optimum trading opportunities on the upside:

• Upside breakout of trend lines – Often, a trend line with a downward slant showing declining highs, which breaks out to the upside breaking through key resistance, indicates a good possibility of a trend reversal with a continuing bullish move.

• Divergences in the RSI and MACD – The Relative Strength Index or RSI and the Moving Average Convergence Divergence or MACD indicator make up two key technical indicators which signal a change to the upside in the overall trend when showing regular divergences versus the price after a period of overall downward price action. On the other hand, bullish hidden divergence indicates that a continuation of an upwards trend may soon resume.

• Strong nearby levels of support in the price chart – if the price chart shows a long sideways trend with strong levels of buying at certain prices, especially when near to the current price level, these indicate a likely move to the upside.

Individually interpreted, these indicators could give false positive results. Nevertheless, when taken in combination, they often provide a more solid basis for establishing a long position.

Bearish Indicators

Bearish indicators mirror bullish indicators and will often also be included in a USD Euro forecast or in a Euro currency forecast. Technical indicators generally negate fundamental events in the online forex news, with the trading maxim “price discounts all”.

• Trend lines which break out to the downside – generally, when a trend line begins to slope downwards and breaks key support levels, gives an indication that the bearish move will continue.

• Bearish divergences in the RSI and MACD – The Relative Strength Index or RSI and the Moving Average Convergence Divergence or MACD indicator make up two key technical indicators which signal a change to the downside in the overall trend when showing regular divergences versus the price after a period of steady upside movement. On the other hand, bearish hidden divergence indicates that a continuation of a downwards trend may soon resume.

• Strong nearby levels of resistance in the price chart – if the price chart shows a long sideways trend with strong levels of selling at certain prices, especially when near the current price level, these indicate a likely move to the downside.

As with the bullish indicators, when individually interpreted the bearish indicators could give false positive results and are much more effective when interpreted in combination. Although technical indicators do not rely on the online forex news, many traders use the realtime forex news to initiate and exit positions. Visit here:

While keeping an eye on realtime forex news may provide traders with insight to short term exchange rate moves, technical traders rely on other key indicators to establish long and short positions in the forex market.